Repairing water pipes that are used for service without having to dig a trench. This is feasible, however it is necessary to follow the correct method. This video will teach how.
The video shows pipe burst the method of replacing the trenchless water service. This means that the old water line can be replaced without having to tear up your yard. First, you drill the hole and then pull your new line from the house’s interior until your meters box. The hole should be 4 inches. The video will walk you through the process step by step in detail. It shows how to cut the hold before they push the line through with a little bit of force. Although the old pipe did snap in half, this is not unusual. When the new pipe is installed, you must make sure to seal the hole by using hydraulic cement. You may also want to look into putting a protective sleeve in the pipe that is twice its size to stop it from shifting. It’s only one approach. In the event that you would prefer expert assistance in replacing the water supply, think about calling a reputable water maintenance company.
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